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Blogs from January, 2020

water heater issues

No hot water all of a sudden is inconvenient. Nevertheless, water heaters do give out without warning if typical signs of heater trouble go unaddressed. The professionals at AllStar Plumbing have experience in water heater issues and will be able to not only restore your home’s hot water but also provide insights and regular preventative maintenance.

Common Signs of an Ailing Water Heater

  • Little Or No Hot Water – Water heaters are meant to work at full capacity while providing ample hot water for things like cooking, cleaning, and showers. If your showers continually go cold or water never seems to get above warm, it’s time to call AllStar Plumbing for water heater maintenance in Westlake, LA
  • Strange Noises – Water heaters aren’t meant to make noises either. If strange or excessive noises in the water heater start turning up, problems have probably started or are already present. In this case, it’s best to get professional water heater repair in Westlake, LA right away.
  • Developing Leaks – Wear and tear can result in leaks. Leaks can cut down on the available hot water and increase utility bills. Cracks or wet areas in the floor, walls or ceiling or mold and mildew smells are red flags you need repairs or a water heater installation in Westlake, LA.
  • Rust-Colored Water – Another effect of aging heaters is rust in the interior, which can constitute a hazard. AllStar Plumbing’s qualified technicians will be able to assess the condition and provide coaching for a water heater replacement in Westlake, LA.

A Trusted and Reliable Plumbing Professional

Water heaters are involved household fixtures that require professional training and experience to manage or install correctly. For water heaters showing any of the above signs, be sure to reach out to an expert plumber in Westlake, LA from AllStar Plumbing.

We’re a full-service plumber serving the entire southwest region of Louisiana. Not only do we an expert general plumbing company, but we also work in new constructions, provide drain cleaning services, gas piping, backflow prevention and repair, maintenance and installation services for both a conventional and tankless water heater in Westlake, LA. Contact our team today to schedule an appointment.
